Indispensible History
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine -Ilan Pappe
State of Terror
-Thomas Suarez
Taking Sides -Stephen Green
Against Our Better Judgment
-Alison Weir
Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews Vol. 1, The False Messiah Vol. 2, David Becomes Goliath Vol. 3, Conflict Without End -Alan Hart
Sharing the Land of Canaan -Mazin Qumsiyeh
The Gun & the Olive Branch -David Hirst
The Invention of the Jewish People -Shlomo Sand
Living by the Sword -Stephen Green
The Iron Wall -Avi Shlaim
Peace and Its Discontents -Edward Said
Before Their Diaspora -Walid Khalidi
All That Remains - Walid Khalidi
Zionism in the Age of the Dictators -Lenni Brenner
The Transfer Agreement -Edwin Black
My Father was a Freedom Fighter, Gaza's Untold Story -Ramzy Barout
The Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel's 1967 Attack on a U.S. Spy Ship -James Scott
Remember the Liberty! -Phillip Nelson & three USS Liberty survivors
The Seventh Million
-Tom Segev
Dangerous Liaison -Andrew and Leslie Cockburn
The Israeli Holocaust Against the Palestinians -Michael Hoffman & Moshe Lieberman
Realities vs. Myths
Palestine, Palestinians and International Law -Francis Boyle
Blood and Religion: The Unmasking of the Jewish and Democratic State -Jonathan Cook
Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict -Norman Finkelstein
The Holocaust Industry -Norman Finkelstein
Beyond Chutzpah -Norman Finkelstein
Deliberate Deceptions: Facing the Facts about the U.S.-Israeli relationship -Paul Findley
Guilt by Association -Jeff Gates
The Israel Lobby in the U.S.
Foreign Agents: AIPAC from the 1963 Fulbright Hearings to the 2005 Espionage Scandal -Grant Smith
Big Israel
-Grant Smith
The Power of Israel in the United States -James Petras
The Transparent Cabal -Stephen Sniegoski
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy -John Mersheimer & Stephen Walt
Spy Trade: How Israel's Lobby Undermine's America's Economy -Grant Smith
Jewish Power -J.J. Goldberg
They Dare to Speak Out -Paul Findley
By Way of Deception -Victor Ostrovsky
The Politics of Anti-Semitism -Alexander Cockburn & Jeffrey St. Clair
Realities in Palestine
Life and Loathing in Greater Israel
-Max Blumenthal
Palestine Inside Out -Saree Makdisi
An Israeli in Palestine: Resisting Dispossession, Redeeming Israel -Jeff Halper
The Other Side of Israel (Palestinians living within Israel) -Susan Nathan
Letters from Palestine -Kenneth Ring & Ghassan Abdullah
Witness in Palestine, A Jewish-American Woman in the Occupied Territories -Anna Baltzer
One vs. Two States, Ending Zionism
One Country -Ali Abunimah
The One-State Solution -Virginian Tilley
Overcoming Zionism -Joel Kovel
Toward an Open Tomb
-Michel Warschawski
Refusing to be Enemies
-Maxine Kaufman-Lacusta
The Iron Wall (A comprehensive view of Palestinian life under occupation)
The Land Speaks Arabic (History of the Zionist movement and the Nakba, including oral testimonies by Nakba survivors)
Occupation 101 (A comprehensive view of the Israeli occupation in context)
The Nakba Archive (Oral histories being gathered today from Nakba survivors)
Sands of Sorrow (A BBC documentary c. 1950 on the Palestinian refugees)
Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land (Documents gross bias in U.S. news coverage and U.S. role in the problem)
Reel Bad Arabs (Documents several decades of U.S. film propaganda dehumanizing Arabs)
The Easiest Targets (Palestinian children as victims of the occupation)
Jonathan Cook Google Video (On racism and discriminatory laws within Israel)
YouTube video presentations by
Miko Peled
Ilan Pappe
Nurit Peled-Alhanon
Grant Smith
Max Blumenthal Eran Efrati