Mariah Leung A fierce mother of Italian-Jewish descent who insists upon honest, decent, caring societies worthy of respect for ourselves and those we support. Uncompromising activist for justice and equality based in historical truth and universal human rights. Identified by her closest companion with archetype of the Greek protective goddess Artemis who punishes abusers.
Jack Dresser, Ph.D. Retired behavioral health scientist specializing in design, development and evaluation of NIH- and USDOE-funded prevention and intervention methodologies. Political psychologist adapting principles of cognitive and moral dissonance, ego defense mechanisms, projection and introjection, transactional analysis, and identity composition to collective ideologies and behavior. National vice-chair of Veterans for Peace working group on Palestine and the Middle East. Chris Barghout Palestinian refugee whose family was expelled in July 1948 from Ramle following the nearby Lydda massacre by Zionist terrorist militias which seized his grandfather's 20-bus Palestine transportation company that served the Jerusalem-Jaffa corridor. Former media director for American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee in Oregon.
Eduardo Cohen Jewish-American Vietnam combat veteran with 173rd Airborne. Lived in South America during US-supported atrocities of Operation Condor, of which he caught glimpses. Longtime outspoken opponent of US and Israeli imperialism. Hosted radical talk programs for 15 years on KCSB radio in Santa Barbara and KPFA radio in San Francisco Bay Area. National chair of Veterans for Peace working group on Palestine and the Middle East.
Demand Freedom, Justice and Equality in the Holy Land